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Data Entry Job Vacancies 2024 - Kandygs Handlooms

Looking for data entry job vacancies in 2024? Apply now at Kandygs Handlooms! Don't miss out on this opportunity. Apply today!
Lanka Career
Data Entry Job Vacancies 2024 - Kandygs Handlooms

Job Summery of Data Entry Job at Kandygs Handlooms

OrganaizationKandygs Handlooms (Exports) Ltd
PostData Entry Operator
QualificationGCE Advance Level
How to ApplySend CV by E-mail
Close Date 09-04-2024
Source Topjobs

Kandygs Handlooms Official Job Advertisement 2024

Kandygs Handlooms Official Job Advertisement 2024
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How to apply

  1. Click Click to Apply to proceed.
  2. You will be redirected to the Safelink page.
  3. Wait a few seconds for the Generate Button to appear.
  4. Click the Open URL button (at the top and bottom).
  5. It will automatically redirect you to your application.

Apply through email for Kandygs Data Entry Job Opportunities

Job Materials

Usefull job materials for Data Entry Operator

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