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National Library And Documentation Services Board Job Vacancies 2024

Check out the latest job vacancies at the National Library And Documentation Services Board for the year 2024. Apply now and kickstart your career.
Lanka Career
National Library And Documentation Services Board Job Vacancies 2024

Unlocking Career Opportunities: Explore the Latest Job Vacancies at the National Library And Documentation Services Board 2024

Are you in search of new career opportunities? Look no further than the National Library And Documentation Services Board. We are thrilled to announce the latest job vacancies that await you in 2024.

  1. Services Category : Junior Manager (JM 1 – 1)
    • Marketing Promotion Officer
  2. Services Category : Associate Officer (MA 3)
    • Library Development Assistant
  3. Services Category : Management Assistant (Technical) (MA 2 – 1)
    • Information Technology Assistant
    • Information Assistant
  4. Services Category : Management Assistant (Non Technical) (MA 1–1)
    • Management Assistant

Description of National Library And Documentation Services Board Job Vacancies 2024

OrganaizationNational Library And Documentation Services Board
Marketing Promotion Officer
  • Vacancies – 01
  • Marketing Degree
  • Rs. 42,600.00
  • Age 22-45
Library Development Assistant
  • Vacancies – 05
  • A Degree
  • Rs. 32,200.00
  • Age 22-45
Information Technology Assistant
  • Vacancies – 01
  • GCE Advanced Level
  • Rs. 30,310.00
  • Age 18-35
Information Assistant
  • Vacancies – 03
  • GCE Advanced Level
  • Rs. 30,310.00
  • Age 18-35
Management Assistant
  • Vacancies – 08
  • GCE Advanced Level
  • Rs. 27,910.00
  • Age 18-45
How to Apply Send Application by Register Post
Closing Date 28-03-2024

National Library And Documentation Services Board Job Vacancies 2024 Official Advertisement

English தமிà®´் à·ƒිංහල
Job Materials

Usefull job materials for National Library And Documentation Services Board Job Vacancies 2024

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How to apply

  1. Click "Click to Apply" to proceed.
  2. Then an application or download button will be generated.
  3. Please wait for a few seconds.
  4. After the Application Download/Apply button will appear.

Apply to National Library And Documentation Services Board Job Vacancies 2024

Lanka Career
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